Being in love
Relationship Coaching
For every person a sense of being in love and being in a relationship is very unique.

There are so many things we are not aware of that may affect the dynamics of relationships: energy connections with other people, family expectations, unconscious conflicting believes and "programs". We act upon these programs because our brain is programmed to survive. Even though the context of the world around us may have changed and those survival mechanisms are no longer relevant.

Choices in life
As a result of the endless number of options that modern society has provided, we find it very difficult to choose at all. Although the choices around us are infinite, we always start with just one – ourselves. Unless we understand what drives us, what we need to keep our fears at bay, to keep us safe at night, to feel fulfilled and understood, to feel connected and important, and happy with our own self. Until this happens, we will never be satisfied with any relationship.
There are so many things we are not aware of, that are not easy to solve on our own that may affect the dynamics of a relationship.
How Relationship Coaching can help you?

You have come to the right place.
I will help you figure out what is happening in your situation, to understand yourself and find a way forward.

Please take your time to explore this page and feel if this is the right place for you. If yes, please leave a request at the bottom of the page and I will contact you within a day. And then you can determine the format of work convenient for you: live session or on Skype.
Are you looking for your ideal partner?

Are you in a relationship that is no longer working and you are looking for ways to improve it or for the way out?
In my work any topic is considered as if in 3D format.
A person is like a multi-level structure that has a body, a soul, an ancestral memory, a system of culture, an emotional state, and a connection with something greater...
We will find the key level, have a look at the cause of the issue and release the emotional charges, and assist a client to access empowering resources that will help them to withstand the tasks ahead.
Instruments that I am using:
About the method
What role do words play?
Words are the language of a conscious person who helps to share information. Sometimes, in dealing with people, you have to mask real emotions. This is a way for our unconscious to protect us.
Psychology has its own language - the language of images, emotions and movements. Sometimes, we use metaphorical cards to dig deeper.
Measurement of emotions and feelings
We are taught to think, we are not taught to feel. Through emotions and feelings therapist and a client are tracking the changes that occur during work. At the end of the work feelings change. The aim of therapy is to return a client a feeling, a sense of power over their life. When you feel that you have a power over your life - you are ready to whatever is ahead.
Muscle test
What is a muscle test?
Kinesiology is an applied science that deals with diagnostics and therapy due to changes in muscle tone. The muscle test gives us feedback and shows what is changing. It happens like this: ask a question - and get an answer from the arm muscles. On the affirmative answer - the muscle is strained, on the negative - the muscle is weakened. The kinesiological test addresses our unconscious beliefs and values. We, as if in a conversation with the human psyche: the muscle responds to any words. What strains me - reduces muscle tone. What gives pleasure - increases muscle tone.
Metaphoric associative cards "OH"
A card is a metaphor that gently takes us to an unconscious level. Why metaphoric? Because any picture can be viewed as a visual metaphor, like a door opening into a person's inner world. Choosing a card, considering it, a person actually talks about herself, about what is important to her. And here you can work with any questions that arise: in the areas of personal life, relationship with yourself, with your partner, career or business.
Why Relationship Coaching?
The First Step after work
As a result a client leaves with the feeling of having options, new resources and an empowering state. The first step after the work is to notice the changes. Even a slight change in any part of the system will affect the whole system. The changes may happen over the period of the next weeks or maybe a couple of months after the session. Trust your soul to take in as much and as quickly as it needs.
How many sessions will you need?
Consultation lasts from 60 to 90 minutes. There are issues that can be solved in one meeting. There are questions that may require more time and can be resolved in several meetings. We will discuss your options. You are an expert in your life to choose the mode that suits you.
Change your life by either changing the way you behave, or the way you feel or change the life around you.

If you feel powerless to change anything then ask for help. This is what are we here for.

Book an appointment with Nelly Bradis online now:
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